Covid-19 update

Covid-19 has had a dramatic effect on all of our lives. It has changed the way we see our family and friends, changed how we might seek medical care and shop. It has changed some of the parts of a home eye examination as well. Optometrists have always worked to high standards of hygiene but now on a home visit we will come with full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

Before your eye examination you will receive a call to ensure that you are well and neither you, nor the people you live with, have COVID-19 symptoms or are self-isolating. Further information will be taken over the phone regarding your eye and general health history and problems you may be having with your eyes to reduce the time spent in your home. As some of the tests we do are close up and nearer than recommended social distancing requirements, the optometrist will be wearing disposable apron and gloves, a face mask and visor. Hand hygiene will continue to be prioritised, equipment will be cleaned appropriately after your eye examination.

If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.